Education & Leadership Through Sports

Presented by BSI

Four Local students attend the University of Pittsburgh's Model EU

Once again BSI sponsored local high school students to attend the University of Pittsburgh's Model EU, conducted at Pitt each year. The 2024-25 participating students were from Chartiers-Hosuton HS. In the photo below, they are (L-R) Kelsey Blommel, Jacob Sapienza,Nic Miller and Cole Bashioum. BSI Board President Leo Trich who attended the event with the students was very complimentary of the 4 Washington Country students. "They did a great job and represented their schools well", said Trich     

BSI 2022-23 scholarships were announced. The winners from our Student Leadership Forum were Caleb Mowery of Canon MacMillan HS and Lily Coppola of Chartiers-Houston HS.
The 3 other scholarships winners from nearly 60 applicants, as follows:  Kristina Bozek of Trinity HS , Landan Urcho of Bentworth HS and Marena Malone of Washington High School.

These are in addition to the 4 "working grants" to the student assistants that helped with the Student Leaders Forum and who took part in the Toronto Model UN (a few months back) ; Alexia Caldwell and Owen Baker of THS and Brody Havelka and Avery Molek of CHHS.  In total - $8000

Above, (L-R) are Brody Havelka, Avery Molek and teacher Suzanne Ashmore presenting one of the scholarship checks to Lily Coppolo


BSI hosted a Student Leadership Forum this spring. It was hosted at Trinity High School on Thursday April 13, with NATO and the UN to be high-lighted.  Students from six area high schools will have  the opportunity to take part. Four student volunteers will be assisting with the project and they are Alexia Caldwell and Owen Baker from Trinity HS along with Cody Havelka and Avery Molek from CHHS. Special thank you to the Trinity HS - and teachers Steve Polansky of THS and Suzanne Achmore of CHHS who assisted with the project.

Presenters included Lt. Col. Erik Schillo of the 171st USAF base near Pittsburgh and Robert Baines. President and CEO of the NATO Association of Canada. 

(additional photos from the event are shown on the right)

The 2021/2022 school year produced a large number of scholarship winners for BSI.  The recent winner from fall '22 projects included Emily Brooks and Nick Coffield both of CHHS and Isaiah Trumbull of the Obama Academy (Pgh.) They join earlier scholarship winners Anna Durbin- West Greene HS, John Sacco - Monessen HS, Elliott Wentzel, Chartiers-Houston HS, and Eben McIntyre- Charleroi HS. CONGRATULATIONS to all award winners.

 During the summer of 2022 BSI assisted a German graduate student - Dominik Wrobel during his 10-week independent study program in Western PA. (photo below - Dominik Wrobel (L) with Washington County Chamber of Commerce President Jeff Kotula)   
While in the area, Dominik, an Economics Major, visited various businesses and also assisted BSI with two high school Student Leadership Forums - one at Upper St. Clair HS and the other at Chartiers-Houston. They we deemed a great success. "Having someone like Dominik here meeting with area students and exchanging ideas and answering questions, was helpful in developing a better understanding between students here and in Germany," commented Leo Trich of BSI.

Corey Blommel of Chartiers Houston High School was selected to receive a 2021 special Student Forum  BSI Scholarships announced last November. He was selected, in part based on academic accomplishments, his school and community involvement and sports leadership abilities. Corey also recently took part in a student forum, regarding international affairs sponsored by BSI in cooperation with the CHSD.

Additional scholarships will be awarded in May and again in the fall of 2022, as part of BSI's expanding scholarship program.



SUCCESS. Our project in co-operation with the World Affairs Council of Pgh was a success. We hosted a Student Leadership Forum at Robert Morris Univ. Nearly 150 high school seniors and faculty members from 14 area school districts took part. We arranged for 3 great presenters- US Congressman Conor Lamb; Jessica Friedrichs (Carlow University) and a former French Consul Jean-Pierre Collet and they covered the importance of US alliances, diplomacy and volunteerism -at home and abroad.

Leo Trich was very impressed by the students and how interested they were in world engagement. That was our goal. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ATTENDED and to all who helped make it possible. Five $1000 scholarships, $1000 each, will be awarded. Selections will be made from among those who attended.  
Those selected : Madeline Ganoe (Rotary Club of Pgh Award); Atharv Bhave (Washington Co. Chamber of Commerce Award); Michael Koroly (North Franklin Twp. Business and Recreation Authority Award); Olivia Estright (BSI Larry Kushner Award) and Rhea Karim (BSI Leaders Award) 

The selection committee followed this format - selection based (1) on school/community leadership involvement, (2) Volunteerism, (3) financial need and (4) scholastic achievements (grades     


Ballpark Scholarship Inc, (BSI) was founded in 2001 and is a non-profit volunteer organization. We are devoted to supporting the further education of young athletes from Western Pennsylvania and to promote their leadership in the community. Although the original mission included the building of profession sports venue (Home of the Washington Wild Things), as a way to promote economic development and enhance the quality of life through sports entertainment, that mission also includes providing college scholarships. In doing so, we assist area high school seniors further their education. In addition, BSI wants to reward and promote area athletes who show leadership traits and a desire to help their schools and community, by volunteering their time to help others.

Please look over our website and see how you might help us in our mission.  We encourage you to part in our efforts. Join us our mission -   EDUCATION & LEADRESHIP Through SPORTS.

Sports Promotion

BSI will continue to assist sports programs that help provide great experiences for the young people involved - as well as help provide sports related community activities designed to entertain area residents.

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Provide Scholarships

BSI provides scholarships to area student athletes to help them further their education at the college or r trade/technical school level . Western PA High school seniors can earn $1000 grants. In addition college students can earn honorariums for specific projects. Applications can be requested by sending an email to or by checking with your local HS athletic director.

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Leadership Promotion

BSI believes that student leadership - on the field and off - is important. For that reason, not only is that one of the aspects considered for scholarship winners, we are now planning leadership programs to urge students to become active in school and community activities. BSI plans to co-operate with and assist programs sponsored by others, who share our goal of promoting volunteerism and leadership.

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Who Is Eligible For BSI College Scholarships

Eligibility for the various BSI scholarship programs can vary. But for our long-standing local high school program,  all student in Western PA, who participate in sport, would be eligible. They must be a senior, who is planning on furthering their education at college level. In addition, non-athletic related scholarships - based more on leadership and community activities and volunteerism will also be provided to area seniors.

What are some of the projects BSI is planning ?

BSI is anxious to be moving on 2023 projects - 

* This past fall (2022) BSI held its 2nd and 3rd international student forum at two area high schools. It will be our hope to expand to other high schools in Western PA this spring. This program will continue with our student leadership theme, and we will have a major emphasis on those students who show involvement in school, community and volunteer activities -- and a desire to be part of promoting cooperation with their peers here and internationally, by taking part in overseas projects offered by BSI.
 * BSI will also be partnering with organizations in Europe, to assist them in forming programs, using the BSI model,  so that they too can further sports activities and education for their students. More on this effort as the details are arranged. 

What will scholarship applicants be judged on?

Criteria will include academics, school and community involvement and leadership traits and involvement in sports. Keep in mind however, that for some of our new specialized scholarship programs - additional criteria will also be considered and the sports element would not be required.

How Can I Obtain A Scholarship Application

You can receive an application by sending your name and mailing address to us by email:   Applications will also be made available to area high school Athletic Directors and through high school guidance counselors. 

What are the deadline dates for 2023 Scholarships ?

Spring 2023 Standard BSI Scholarships   Applications will become available Feb 15.  Request one by contacting us at  We are currently planning a return deadline of April 18, 2022. Selections will be made and announced in May.  

How can I get invloved in helping BSI

We are always looking for people willing to volunteer their time to assist us with our projects. If you would like to see how you might take part - please contact us at     

If I donate to BSI, is it a charitable tax deduction?

The short answer is YES !  Ballpark Scholarships Inc (BSI) is a non-profit 501(c-3) charity, recognized as such by the I.R.S at the Federal level and that the state level as well.  Certainly and all financial contributions - or in-kind donations are very welcome. And you can be assured all donations will be put into our programs - designed to help young people.  Please contact by email us if you are interested in making a donation.

Who will select the Scholarship Winners?

Each scholarship cycle, a group of local education, sports and business people are asked to serve on a "independent selection committee" to evaluate the applications and select the winners.
 It should be noted that any student who is related to a BSI Board member or a member of the independent selection committee, WILL NOT be eligible for BSI Scholarships.
In the News !

In the News !

BSI sponsored a student forums in September and October 2022, with the help of educator Suzanne Ashmore and Chartiers Houston HS and officials at Upper St. Clair High School, including Dr. Terry Kushner, a former Principal at USC. Several students took part in the international affairs project and from that group, one student was selected to receive a Leadership Award (scholarship). This year, eight student athletes and non-athletes were selected as Scholarship winners.

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A New Student Leadership Forum will take place on April 13, 2023.  It will be hosted at Trinity High School. More information will soon be posted.

A New Student Leadership Forum will take place on April 13, 2023. It will be hosted at Trinity High School. More information will soon be posted.

The subject area will include NATO and the UN. Students from seven area high schools will have the opportunity to take part. Four student volunteers will be assisting with the project and they are Alexia Caldwell and Owen Baker from Trinity HS along with Cody Havelka and Avery Molek from CHHS. MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW SOON !

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Our Volunteer Board image
The BSI Board is made up of volunteers. 
The current board consists of Leo Trich, Jr, President/Founder, Jon Celani - Sec/Trea. , Patrick Sadler and Ricci Rich.

Former BSI Board members include :  
Phil Hamilton, Michael Smith, Anthony Nicolella, Dr. Ed Roman,  J. Barry Stout,  Pete Daley
  • BSI Way, Washington, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Mailing address : 1347 Gabby Ave. Washington PA 15301

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